High Purity Silicon Based Lithium Battery Anode Graphite Material for Battery Anode
As a new anode energy material, Si - based anode material has ultra-high theoretical specific capacity and low lithium removal potential (< 0.5v), and the voltage platform of silicon is slightly higher than that of graphite, so it is difficult to cause lithium dissection on the surface during charging, and the safety performance is better.
The product is characterized with high capacity(≥400Ah/g), high first efficiency(≥85%), good cycle performance, low volume expansion and realization the SNNC and non crystalline of Si. It is widely applied for 3C digital, power tools, electric vehicles (EV/HEV/PHEV).
High capacity
High first efficiency
Good cycle performance
Low volume expansion
Si based material is successfully developed by introducing all these technologies and melting these technologies together. The product is characterized with low volume expansion and long cycling life by controlling and realization the nanolization and non crystalinity Company Profile: